Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Fished a couple of nice pools today. Again it was clear and really cold. In the second pool the water was just slightly less than clear. I put on a size 4 Grease Liner in Yellow which a buddy had just tied up for me. In this pool you are really fishing on the wrong side so the current is being pushed away from the bar on the other side and right into your bank. The bank is slanted at about 45 degrees and the fish usually sit withing 5 feet or so. At the top there is a place where two currents come together and just in the steady stuff after the joining a nice little nose came up and sucked it down. She was a hot fish, fresh from the tide. Not a mark or bit of color on her. A lovely hen who will hopefully stay in the system and make some more. A wonderful day for sure

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Good to see you writing. Hope all is well.

    Ken Campbell
